Establishing your internet presence and marketing your company can seem stressful, with what seems to be the constant barrage of new technologies, applications, and platforms. With SEO, social media, blogging, marketing emails, and other important factors to consider, you might feel stretched too thin. However, finding customers and building your business doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. By figuring out what works for your business and saying “no” to the things that don’t, you can make your business thrive.
Make a List, Check it Twice.
In order to say “no,” you have to know what you are saying “no” to! The best way to do this is to make an old-school list of all of your options. Make sure to incorporate your entire team into this process, so that no idea is left without a glance. Whether it is a list of all of your SEO tasks or what social media platforms to utilize—be sure to include it all.
Priorities, priorities, priorities!
Now that you have your handy to-do list, the next step is to eliminate some of the options and start saying “no.” In order to do so, you have to know what your priorities are. Establish your priorities and goals and then look at the list—asking yourself which efforts are helping you achieve your targeted goals, and which ones aren’t.
Does it have to be you?
You don’t have to say “no” to everything just because you’re not able do it. It’s time to learn that the business won’t fall apart if you let someone else take over a responsibility or two (or three!) Part of saying “no” is learning to delegate lower priority tasks to other members of your team or highly-skilled jobs to those that are experts in that area. World leaders and top CEOs delegate—and it allows them to focus on tasks that they are good at. Now you can focus on your top priorities and achieving your business goals.
Yes, it is important to know all of your options, hence the thorough list making. However, it is also important to know your limits! By making a list, figuring out how these items fit into achieving your goals and learning to delegate you can create a better business, and a better, less stressed YOU.