Today over three billion mobile phones are in use throughout the world, and over 184 million of these phones are smartphones. As technology becomes more accessible, smartphones are becoming an increasingly common aspect of daily life. With these mobile devices taking over the functions of traditional computers for many users, it is becoming more important than ever for businesses ensure their websites are not only usable on desktops, laptops and touch screen devices, but also on mobile phones. Below we explore the reasons to invest in a mobile-friendly website for your business NOW.
Coined by some as “Mobilegeddon,” Google announced in 2015 that search engine results on smartphones will prioritize websites that have a mobile-friendly design. With over 40% of mobile phone users utilizing their devices for internet browsing, you could be missing out on quite a bit of business if your website is pushed back in organic SEO ranking on mobile searches.
Mobile-friendly websites are not only important for eCommerce sites, but also for any business that is trying to draw in customers through their website. Consider the results of a 2012 Google survey which showed that 74% of customers had a higher likelihood of returning to a web page that was mobile friendly. On the flip side, the survey found that 61% of customers were likely to leave a website if it did not have a design conducive to use on a smartphone.
Think Local. . .
When searching for a new dentist, plumber, florist, bank: you name it, mobile searches often rely on GPS to find the closest businesses to the user. If your website is not optimized for mobile use, your business may be overlooked in the search engine results for local businesses﹣losing you a potential client!
You will not automatically outrank your competitors in local search. Local search results are a huge part of Google’s success and they want to get it right. You need to either optimize your website for local search, or continue to let your competition take the lead.
Don’t worry, it won’t break the bank!
You may be wondering how much this new design “trend” is going to cost your business, and the good news is: it’s not a lot! Your current website will need to be customized to work with a mobile screen; however, the process should be quick and inexpensive!
In fact, you can even take on the adventure yourself–without the need for hiring a web development agency. However, if you are thinking about redesigning your website, you’ll want to avoid common SEO mistakes!
As we shift from computer-based web use to mobile web use, customers expect to access business information immediately and are not willing to wait around for a Wi-Fi connection at their home computer. If you do not yet have a mobile-friendly web design, you could be losing some major business to competitors with better functioning websites. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to update your website TODAY!
Is it time to redesign your website?
If making your website mobile-friendly isn’t motivation enough, then I don’t know what is. You should be constantly updating your website to keep it relevant. If you’re not doing this, maybe it IS time to make a plan and go from scratch. The important idea to consider is just to keep your audience happy.